
Mediterranean diet

Getting on the Mediterranean Diet: Basics and Health Benefits

When thinking ‘Mediterranean,' thoughts of beaches and olives and beautiful people spring to mind. With this in mind, and the fact that a Mediterranean diet exists, you can imagine it’s the kind of diet...
how to maintain weight loss

Healthy Dieting: A Guide to Sustainable Weight Loss

Sticking to a diet and getting rid of extra pounds is only one part of the weight loss process. For it to be a true success, you also have to make sure that you...

The Immense Benefits of Intermittent Fasting

You should know that intermittent fasting (IF) is a medically approved dietary schedule. Unlike traditional forms of fasting, IF is more balanced with its restrictions. So what are some of the top benefits of...
carb cycling speeds up weight loss

Learn How Carb Cycling Can Lead to Dramatic Weight Loss

Carb cycling is a dietary trend that has gained a lot of popularity in recent years. It involves alternating your intake of sugars on a regular basis, as well as eliminating them completely for...
DASH diet lowers blood pressure

DASH Diet for People with High Blood Pressure

The DASH diet is one of the more common treatment options for patients with high blood pressure. Its name stands for Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension. Clinically tested, the DASH diet lowers blood pressure...
are high-protein diets safe

Are High-Protein Diets Safe for You?

Our bodies can't function without protein as they help preserve our cells and allow for the creation of new ones. In recent years, high-protein diets have seen a rise in popularity. But are high-protein...
facts about the keto diet

The Ins and Outs of the Keto Diet

One of the most common misconceptions about the keto diet is that it works for everyone the same way. We have prepared some interesting facts about the keto diet to help you understand it...
vegan diets for athletes

Can a Vegan Diet Support an Athlete?

According to one survey, more than 7 million people in the United States are vegetarians. Among them, 1 million are strict vegans. Yet there's little information, in this survey or otherwise, on the effects...
diet for gout treatmen

Bout the Gout: The Basics of Gout Diet

Gout is a term that many arthritis patients know about. It is a very complex form of this disease that can affect both men and women. The condition occurs due to the presence of...
eating with asthma

Eating with Asthma: Dietary Suggestions for the Asthmatic

Asthma is something that a substantial portion of the world suffers from and it has the potential to be deadly. As of late, many are beginning to suggest that there are certain things you...
hypothyroidism diets

How to Diet When You Have Hypothyroidism

Hypothyroidism is a condition where your thyroid gland does not produce enough thyroid hormone. This is also known as an underactive thyroid. While there are many types, they all have a few common side...
long-term effects of diet foods

The Short-Term and Long-Term Effects of Diet Foods

Developing healthy eating habits is good for you in the short run, as well as in the long run. Not only will it help you lose some weight, but you'll also feel better and...
the cabbage diet works

The Reason Why Cabbage Diets Work

There are so many diets out there, old and new. Sometimes it can be hard to sift through the sheer amount of them and find one that works for you. When you hear the...
best ingredients for losing weight

The Absolute Best Ingredients for Losing Weight

Counting calories isn’t a great way to lose weight. Different types of food take different pathways through your body, so you must choose carefully. These are the best ingredients for losing weight. Eggs Eggs had a...
superfoods can revolutionize your diet

These Potent Superfoods Can Revolutionize Your Diet

What makes a superfood super? Although they can’t replace a balanced diet, there are some types of food that can improve your health almost immediately. These so-called superfoods can revolutionize your diet if you eat...
ultimate muscle building diet

Your Ultimate Muscle Building Diet

Do you know how important diet is for building muscle? Without the right foods, your workouts will only go so far. You’ll also succumb to fatigue faster, and recover slower. If you’re struggling to decide...
can carbohydrates be good for you

A Carbohydrate Redemption Story

Advice about eating healthy can sometimes be confusing and contradictory. So if you’ve looked into many different kinds of diets, you have probably noticed that some dieting experts advise cutting carbohydrates out of your...
Is Your Omega-3 Intake High Enough

Is Your Omega-3 Intake High Enough?

When it comes to preserving your physical wellbeing and mental fitness, omega-3 fatty acids are the star of the dieting world. What makes them so great? And when is your omega-3 intake high enough? What...

Eating at Night Makes You Gain Weight?

We've all heard it hundreds of times: eating at night makes you gain weight. But is it true that human body assimilates differently calories consumed at night? Although scientists still don't have a crystal clear...

Stay Away from These Foods If You Want to Get in Shape!

Have you decided to make a life-changing decision and enroll in a weight loss journey? If so, there are a few sacrifices you will need to make. Although working out is important when you...

The Ultimate Guide to A Healthy Lifestyle

When it comes to losing weight, no one knows what the best method. Well, there are so many articles out there stating things about this topic that people simply have no idea what is...

What Is an Ayurvedic Diet?

Ayurveda is the name of the traditional medicine of India. This millenarian system attributes characteristics to three categories called doshas, which form the base of the Ayurvedic diet. Ayurvedic Nutrition Principles Ayurveda is a path to...

“Healthy” Foods That Actually Make You Gain Weight

Weight loss is a very common goal, which is why there is so much information and advice out there, but a lot of it is based on myths and misunderstood scientific data. It is...
why grapefruit is good for you

5 Reasons Why Grapefruit Is Good for You

Many diets recommend eating grapefruit. It is certainly delicious, but what makes it such a popular choice? Here is a list of reasons why grapefruit is good for you. 1. It contains flavonoids Flavonoids are a...
fad diets

Fad Diets: Do They Work?

Every year, there are new diets touted in the media and online as quick fixes to weight problems. These include infomercials for diet pills, diet food, diet drinks and exercise programs. This information promises...
what are juice diets

What Are Juice Diets and Are They Good for You?

If you follow all the latest trends in weight loss, you must have heard of juice diets. If not, you're probably wondering "what are juice diets?" Simply put, they are short diets that involve...
depression and weight gain

Depression and Weight Gain: What You Need to Know

Depression and weight gain usually go hand-in-hand. They create a vicious circle of sorts, and it's difficult to tell which came first. When you're depressed, weight gain happens for many reasons. Most often it's...
superfoods for weight loss

The 4 Best Superfoods for Weight Loss

If you're trying to lose weight, there's no need to rely on diet pills and other medications. Instead, nature provides all the help you need to achieve your goal. Take a look at this...
whey protein shakes are a good choice for seniors

Why Whey Protein Shakes Are a Good Choice for Seniors

Whey protein is a food supplement that increases muscle mass. It is usually associated with the sports world. However, researchers say that whey protein shakes are a good choice for seniors who want to...
losing weight tips

Losing Weight: the Best Action Plan

Have you been thinking about losing weight? If yes, what is your action plan? If you go through the internet and read magazines, you will come across helpful tips that can see you achieve...
fruits that help you lose weight

5 Tasty Fruits That Help You Lose Weight

Eating fresh fruits will boost your health and help you keep your body in great shape. What's more, there are also some fruits that help you lose weight. They are all tasty, juicy, and...
smoothie recipes

Top 3 Slimming Smoothie Recipes

Having a family is everyone's! But at times with kids, we may not find enough time to exercise or even attend the gym yet we have to live a healthy life. As result, we...

Win Friends to Lose Weight

It’s not exactly earth-shattering to say that dieting can be difficult. If you’ve gotten used to eating poorly, for example, it can be hard to start eating healthy. You may feel deprived. You may...

6 Foods That Combat Inflammation

Looking to boost your health? Inflammation is something to be concerned about. Inflammation is at the heart of so many different diseases – virtually any condition that ends in ‘itis’ can be attributed to...
vegetarian diet

Vegetarian Diet or Meat: Which Is Better?

For many centuries, people have developed taboos against eating habits across different cultures. The most controversial food belief observes the consumption of meat and animal products against the vegetarian diet. Cultures highlight the advantages...

The Easiest Guide to Intermittent Fasting

As I get closer to my weight loss goal, my weight loss has slowed. This is not uncommon. You’ve probably heard people talk about how difficult it is to lose the last 10 pounds....

Smart Low Carb Lunch Ideas

On a low carb diet and not sure what to bring for lunch? Many people struggle with this meal because the classic sandwich is obviously a no-go. So what are your best options? What...

Bad Eating Habits That Make You Gain Weight

Have you ever found yourself in the situation where you simply couldn’t stop binge eating all the bad foods available out there? If so, you might have some bad eating habits which – if...

The Dukan Diet Simplified

Everyone heard at least once in their lifetime about the Dukan Diet and its mesmerizing effects upon the human body. Yet, this diet is quite difficult to understand and if you don’t have a...

Infused Water: The Secret to Loosing Weight

With summer approaching, many people find it difficult to deal with the dehydration levels associated with the hot temperatures. Moreover, hydration is the best way to reduce weight. In case an individual wants to...

How Often Should You Eat?

Even though you might believe that there is no set of rules regarding how often should you eat, this article will prove you wrong. A healthy lifestyle is based on what you are eating,...

Why Do Calories Count?

When people talk about calories in food, what do they mean? Well, let's get you your answers! To start, you should know that a calorie is a unit of energy. In everyday life, it is defined...

All About Matcha Tea

One beverage that you should be taking note of is that of matcha tea. Many people are unaware of this tea and are missing out on the powerful benefits it has to offer. What’s so...

Benefits of Sticking to a Vegan Diet

The main secret behind weight loss is consuming foods that contain fewer calories. You may be a vegan and wondering the best tactic you could adjust your diet to facilitate weight loss since most...

Gut Bacteria: The Unexpected Weight-Loss Aid

When we talk about weight loss, we usually focus on calorie intake, energy use, and the imbalance between the two. We rarely talk about how a healthy gut is key to promoting long-term, long-lasting,...

3 Excellent Pre-Workout Carb Sources

Gearing up for a big workout coming your way? If so, it’s important that you make sure that your body has the right amount and type of fuel to promote optimal performance. What you eat...

Does Glycemic Index Influence Weight Loss?

Glycemic index is a measure of the glycemic power of food in the blood. One of the main aspects that facilitate weight loss is favoring foods that do not raise blood sugar. Peaks of blood...

Make a List and Check It Twice

How many times have you gone to the grocery store or to a superstore to get one or two things and walked out with a full cart? We’ve all been there. We just need...

On a Diet? You Might Be Deficient in These 3 Nutrients

So, you have embarked on your weight loss and health journey. Good for you! We know how hard it is to make that decision and stick to it. It is important to note, however, that...

How Snapping Selfies Can Help You Lose Weight

No shame here! Now you have a science-backed reason to keep snapping selfies at the gym. Every day, more and more people are participating in social networks to share their progress and find support. In...

How to Eat Healthy at a Fast Food Restaurant

It’s wonderful, of course, to eat a diet of grass-fed beef and organic vegetables. However, sometimes we’re in situations where we can’t exactly have the finest ingredients for the finest meals. Sometimes we’re traveling,...

The Best Way To Lose Weight for Older Adults

As we age, our body composition can change dramatically. Sometimes these changes seem to creep up on us, and we haven't made shifts in our diet and exercise to assist us in adapting to...

Resist Everything, Including Temptation

Living alone can have its drawbacks, but it can be great for your diet. You can mold the pantry into your vision and your vision alone. That’s not the case if you live with...

3 Common Slip-ups That Can Keep You From Losing Weight

It’s easy to fool ourselves into thinking that we’re working harder at weight loss than we really are. We don’t push ourselves as hard as we could when we’re exercising, for example. We estimate...

Figuring Out Your Fitness Goals

People who talk about fitness and dieting talk a lot about goals. I know, because I’m one of them. I’m a big proponent of setting goals and using those goals to measure progress. However,...

A Beginner’s Guide to Overnight Oats

Overnight oats have become such a popular breakfast that even major companies are trying to get in on the action. The appeal in them is partly the same appeal as other premade meals--you save...

Holiday Tips To Staying On Track

Halloween is right around the corner and shortly after that, you’ll be moving into Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years. If this has you feeling nervous, not to worry, you definitely aren’t alone. Most people...

How Fiber Promotes Weight Loss

You might hear quite often how fruits, vegetables and whole grains are packed with fiber, and fiber helps you to lose weight. Fiber isn’t a magical supplement that kills fat cells or makes your stomach...

You Can Still Eat Pasta with These Substitutes

Pasta is probably one of the hardest foods to give up if you’re trying to lose weight. However, it’s nearly always essential. Traditional pasta is packed with carbs (read: sugar), which we all know...

How to Cut Down on Sugar (as Painlessly as Possible)

Sugar. It’s in everything. Candy and other sweet treats, obviously, but also in EVERYTHING. Almost. There are a few sugar-free foods and drinks left in the world. However, because it’s nearly omnipresent, it can...

How Much Should You Weigh?

Have you ever wondered if you have the needed weight your body could carry? If your Body Mass Index is over 30 then you are considered to be obese. Obesity is a medical condition...

The Three Key Benefits Of Cottage Cheese

When someone says the words cottage cheese to you, do you turn your nose up? For most people, cottage cheese goes on the list of foods they dislike eating. Whether it’s the texture or...

5 Commendable Weight Loss Super-foods

The predicament of excessive weight has become a stumbling block for most people, and that's why they are trying every possible modus-operandi to lose that extra weight. There are distinct types of foods such as...

The Low-Down on Detox Water

Do a quick internet search for “detox water” and you’ll find exhaustive lists of recipes, as well as articles touting the supposed benefits. For example, you’ll see results like “479 Detox Water Recipes That...

Get To Know About The List Of Foods That Protect Against Inflammation

Inflammation is a natural process that occurs when your body reacts to a foreign substance. Whether it's a microbe, pollen, or even a chemical, your immune system is bound to fight it and thus,...

Dieting- To Follow Or Not To Follow? Which is Better?

When it comes to dieting, the first question that's likely to pop up in your mind is whether or not you should start following a plan. You'll have to ask yourself; are you okay with...

Three Golden Rules For Weight Control

Want to make weight loss easy? The fact of the matter is that you don’t need some elaborate diet program or complicated workout to lose weight. You just need a few smart guidelines, and...

Not All Is Black And White! There’s A Gray! – Exercise With Your Everyday...

It is unfortunate that still a lot of people think following a strict diet will be enough to help them lose the weight they want. For them, being healthy is black or white. You either...

The Benefits Of Probiotics

If you want to take your health to the next level, one thing that you’ll want to consider is probiotics. Many people give great consideration to the number of calories they consume daily, the...

Can Herbs Help Weight Loss?

It is, perhaps, unimaginable that delicate-looking herbs can help in a serious mission of weight loss. Herbs possess several health benefits and are part of home remedies in some cultures. Here are some herbs...

The Best Complex Carb Sources To Add To Your Diet Plan

One of the biggest myths out there in the nutrition world is that you must avoid all carbs to see results. Many people are jumping on the low carb bandwagon, thinking this is the...
vegetarians diet vs meat eaters

Vegetarians diet vs. meat eaters’ diet- Which helps you lose weight faster?

Studies show that 29 PC of meat eaters are unlikely to pick low-fat milk from the supermarket as compared to vegetarians’ 57 PC. So what does this mean? It simply means that vegetarians diet...

Home Remedies To Cut Fat

Just like you go an extra mile with your workouts to lose weight, you need to have a little extra in your diet as well. Consuming low-calorie food is only one part of the...

Proper Nutrition For Athletes

Prореr nutrіtіоn іѕ аn еѕѕеntіаl раrt оf lіvіng a hеаlthу lіfе; thіѕ іѕ еvеn truеr whеn соnѕіdеrіng nutrіtіоn fоr аthlеtеѕ. Athlеtеѕ whо аrе mоrе active оr аrе еngаgеd іn a ѕроrt nееd tо hаvе a...

How To Choose Quality Nutrition Supplements

It іѕ hаrd tо dіѕсеrn thе truth аbоut thе nutrіtіоnаl hеаlth ѕuррlеmеntѕ аvаіlаblе оn thе mаrkеt tоdау. Hоw dо уоu knоw whісh оf thе nutrіtіоnаl vіtаmіn ѕuррlеmеntѕ tо рісk? Sоmе оf thе ԛuеѕtіоnѕ I...
burn calories with water

Does Drinking Water Burn Calories?

Recently, I had lunch with a friend and what she said left me baffled. You should know that I have a habit of drinking water during meals. So when she saw me ask for...

4 Superfoods To Add To Your Diet Plan

Want to take your diet up a notch? If so, superfoods are the way to do it. Superfoods are essentially foods that have extra strong nutritional and antioxidant status. They’re foods that work overtime...

10 Foods For Flat Stomach

A flat stomach means you need a healthy diet and exercise. Certain foods can help you speed up the process by preventing water retention, suppressing cravings, and boosting metabolism. Cucumber An energy source, cucumber flushes...
permanent weight loss

5 Things You Must Do After Losing Weight

What next after achieving that goal? This is  a common question among dieters and non-dieters alike. Perhaps unsurprisingly, they are usually unprepared for the next step after losing weight. This is because they see...

Smart Ways To Serve Tuna

If you need to get more protein into your diet plan, look no further than tuna. Tuna is great because not only is it a 100% pure source of protein, you just have to...
post-pregnancy weight

6 simple ways to lose post-pregnancy weight

It is any woman’s dream to be fit and lose their post-pregnancy weight after childbirth. It not only makes you feel confident about your body but also reduces chances of depression. Without much ado,...

Three Great Mid-Morning Snack Ideas

Out of ideas what to serve for your mid-morning snack? You may always have the best of intentions to eat healthy but when the clock strikes 10:30 am and the vending machine is right...

3 Secrets For Lasting Hunger Control

Tired of dealing with hunger on your diet plan? If so, you aren’t alone. Hunger is one of the most pressing issues that many people struggle with as they make their journey into the...

Smart Food Swaps For Better Health

As you go about your diet plan and start making changes to try and shed excess weight and reduce your disease risk, rather than trying to do a complete diet overhaul, why not try...

Clean Eating: Is It The Ticket To Fat Loss?

As you go about you striving to reach your fat loss goals, you may read up on various diets out there designed to help you realize true success. One such diet is referred to...

3 Healthy Breakfast Choices That Aren’t the Usual Suspects

Since many people are in a rush in the mornings, it’s easy for them to fall prey to less-than-healthy breakfast options. This usually means something you can get at a fast food window, like...

Why Salmon Deserves A Place In Your Diet Plan

If there’s one food that’s a must-have in every diet plan, salmon would be it. Salmon offers a wide array of benefits – benefits that must not go overlooked. Sadly, many people aren’t eating...

3 Ways To Add Flavor, Not Calories To Your Meals

For many people, the hardest part of eating healthy is finding a way to make good-for-you foods taste delicious. It’s hard to feast on broccoli, chicken, and rice when you could be eating pizza. Your...

Simple Ways To Add More Protein To Your Diet

As you go about your weight loss program, it’s essential that you look at the simple ways to boost your protein intake. Most people are quite low in protein on a regular basis, and...

Three Secrets To Stable Blood Sugar Levels

Looking to burn fat? If so, it’s a must that you keep your blood glucose levels as stable as possible. Fluctuating blood glucose levels are one of the primary factors leading to excess fat...

4 Ways To Boost Your Fiber Intake

As part of a healthy eating plan, one of the key things you’ll want to be focusing on is getting enough fiber into your day. Simply put, fiber is what helps prevent heart disease,...

3 Reasons To Use Whey Protein Powder

Trying to figure out if whey protein powder is right for you? This sports supplement is becoming more and more popular and for good reason. There are a great many benefits to be had...

The Simple Secret to Losing Weight

You’ve tried all the supplements. You’ve tried all the most popular diets. You may see some difference at first, but as soon as you stop, all the weight comes right back. This article isn’t going...

How to Cheat on Your Diet

Sometimes dieting and trying to lose weight can be difficult because you have to learn new skills and work muscles that may have atrophied, if they ever existed at all. One of those skills--talents?--is...

3 Clever Foods Swaps You Can Do Today

Diet plays a huge role if you’re trying to lose that stubborn fat. However, jumping on the healthy eating bandwagon is easier said than done. So why not start small and work out way up? Here...

4 French Weight Loss Secrets

French women are often revered for their ability to exude an effortless, cool, sexy vibe thanks to their sleek silhouettes. Although there are certainly some French women who struggle with their weight, the French...

Can Fiber Help You Lose Weight?

Fiber is something you can find in vegetables. It’s super important to include it in your diet, as it will help maintain your digestive system to keep it in top shape. You’ve heard about...

4 Breakfasts Musts, So you Can Lose Weight in Your Sleep

We all wish there were a magic pill to solve our weight-related problems… But is there a solution that simple? Can it be possible? With slight changes that we can make on a daily...

4 Tips to Avoid Love Handles

Summer is gone. That means that before you know it, it will be Thanksgiving and then the holidays. If you're not careful, all that pumpkin pie, turkey, and eggnog will sit in your body,...

3 Easy Tips to Lose Fat

#1 Tweak your lifestyle It’s a common story, it happens all the time: you wake up in the morning and do your gym routine, but soon you’re eating a cupcake or having a drink after...
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5 Zinc-Rich Foods to Boost Your Immune System

Zinc is one of the key minerals that help your immune system maintain its function. But because your body can't store it, you need...
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How to Go All In With CrossFit

A high-intensity workout, CrossFit pushes your body to its limits. You’ll work your core, legs, arms, and back using a combination of strength, aerobic...
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