Tips & Facts

Can You Be Obese and Healthy at the Same Time?

We often hear that obesity poses a lot of risk for human health, including cardiovascular problems, diabetes, and several types of cancer. However, in...

What Is the 3-Day Military Diet and Is It Safe?

What is the 3-day military diet and why is it popular? Have you considered using it to lose weight? This article will answer some...

Can Time-Restricted Eating Help You Lose Weight?

We've all been through the tedious process of counting the calories in order to lose weight, right? It's easy to lose count or simply...

Can This Diet Help You Lose Weight Without Working Out?

Whether you don’t have the time or you just don’t know where to start, working out to lose weight can be hard. That’s why...

When Is the Right Time to Give Your Baby Regular Food?

A recent study found that more than 50% of parents in the US do it too early. But can introducing food to your baby...

4 Science-Based Tips to Get Rid of Belly Fat

Although it certainly doesn’t look nice, belly fat is much more than a cosmetic issue. In fact, research shows that belly fat is connected...

5 Foods to Eat to Detox Your Body

Are you looking to give your body a much-needed cleanse, but you don't want to go on a very restrictive diet? This list of...

5 Weird Things That Happen When You Gain Weight

So you've gained some weight, and obviously you don't really like it, unless you were really skinny. Well, it's not your visual appearance that's...

5 Ways to Get Rid of Garlic Breath

Garlic is always a welcome addition to various meals as it provides a magnificent flavor. It is also widely known for its numerous health...

5 Zinc-Rich Foods to Boost Your Immune System

Zinc is one of the key minerals that help your immune system maintain its function. But because your body can't store it, you need...

This Red Hot Chili Pepper Could Give You a Severe Headache

Last year, a man in the United States dared to try one of the world's hottest chili peppers. Dubbed the Carolina Reaper, this pepper...

5 Great Reasons You Should Drink White Tea

White tea originates from the same plant as black tea and green tea. But it's less processed than them, meaning it may also be...

5 Diet Tips to Maintain Weight Loss

Losing weight takes a lot of work and dedication, but maintaining your new weight is an even bigger challenge. According to research, about 80%...

What You Need to Know About Full Liquid Diets

When you have some health problems, you may need to follow a special diet for a faster recovery. Full liquid diets are among those...

5 Ways to Tell You’re Not Eating Enough Healthy Fats

For decades, experts have claimed that fat is more dangerous for your health than sugar. But this all changed once scientists found the opposite...

Does Cryotherapy Really Work for Weight Loss?

One of the latest weight loss trends, cryotherapy seems to be increasing in popularity in the past couple of years. This unconventional method involves...

4 Ways Collagen Supplements Can Help Improve Your Health

Collagen is one of the most important proteins in the human body. It has several functions, including strengthening our bones and promoting skin health....

5 Excellent Herbal Teas You Should Try

Herbal teas can be a great way to boost your health with a tasty beverage in just a couple of sips. However, not all...

5 Things to Do After You Break Your Diet

Breaking your diet can feel disappointing and frustrating. However, it’s crucial not to let these feelings take over, as that can hinder your progress...

5 Common Signs of Vitamin Deficiencies

Our bodies need a balance of healthy vitamins and minerals to work properly. When they don’t have this balance, they will find a way...

5 Tips to Lose Weight Without Much Effort

Losing weight usually requires a lot of effort, especially if you’re not used to high levels of physical activity. However, there are mild measures...

5 Possible Reasons You’re Not Losing Water Weight

Although water makes for more than 50% of our bodies, irregularities in your diet could cause your body to retain extra water. This can...

5 Things You Need to Know When Reading Junk Food Labels

As health awareness is rising and people are more concerned about what they eat, fast food companies find new ways to sell their product....

Reduce Your Calorie Intake with This Appetite-Suppressing Bread

Bread is a staple of many people’s diets. It’s a rich source of carbohydrates, which your body needs to generate energy. But we may be...

What Is the Best Type of Water to Drink?

Drinking enough water is essential for our health. Our cells need to be hydrated throughout the day, and most scientists agree that optimal daily...

How to Leave Emotional Eating Behind

You may not realize it, but if you are using food to settle emotions, you could be emotional eating. Whether it’s a pizza because...

5 Diets That Can Cause Vitamin D Deficiency

The majority of people can get enough vitamin D from a regular diet. However, some restrictive diets that completely exclude a certain group of...

3 Things You Should Know About Fat-Burning Teas

Some of the most popular weight loss supplements, fat-burning teas often promise great results in just a couple of months. But, while these promises...

What’s the Difference Between Coriander and Cilantro?

Because they come from the same plant, coriander and cilantro are often confused for each other. However, while they are similar, they have some...

5 Proven Health Benefits of Jalapeño Peppers

Hot and spicy, jalapeño peppers are a popular addition to many tasty dishes. However, there may be more to these popular peppers than their...

Why Do We Tend to Gain Weight in the Winter?

We’ve all been there – February has just ended, and you feel like you gained a couple of inches around your belly. But, before...

Can Mindful Eating Really Help You Lose Weight?

In our busy, fast-paced lives, we sometimes forget to enjoy the small things. For example, we tend to look at eating as a necessary...

4 Expert Tips to Manage Your Food Allergies

Living with a food allergy is never easy, but if you learn how to manage it properly – you can greatly improve your quality...

5 Ways Yo-Yo Dieting Can Affect Your Body

Nobody yo-yos for fun. Let's restate that. Nobody yo-yo diets for fun. Because it's not fun, and the effects of yo-yo dieting aren't fun....

Can Part-Time Dieting Help You Lose Weight?

It's a small study, men only, but it's intriguing. Part-time dieting made a big difference. The kind of difference anyone on a diet is...

4 Little-Known Side Effects of Water Fasting

People are always looking for ways to shed pounds as quickly as possible, which often results in highly restrictive diets. Because of their extreme...

4 Tell-Tale Signs of Undiagnosed Lactose Intolerance

One of the most common food allergies, lactose intolerance affects adults and children all over the world. In fact, as we get older, we...

Do Genes Play a Role in Weight Loss?

Genetic predispositions affect our health in many ways. For example, your genetics can determine your risk of getting certain types of cancer, experiencing hair...

Why Don’t Tomatoes Taste as Good as They Used To?

If you noticed tomatoes taste a bit off lately, you're not alone. People all over the world have been wondering why this once delicious...

5 Ways to Stop Junk Food Cravings Once and for All

We all know that junk foods are bad for us, but sometimes we are too weak to resist them. Wouldn't it be great if...

5 Possible Reasons Why You Feel Pain After Eating

You wouldn't think that eating could cause pain - in your back, for instance. You know (more or less) where the food you ate...

5 Ways to Tell You Need More Iodine in Your Diet

Iodine's main job is to make thyroid hormone. And thyroid hormone's main job is to support just about every bodily system we have. And...

What’s the Difference Between Vitamins D2 and D3?

Did you know that there is more than just one type of vitamin D? Of the five most common types, D2 and D3 are...

Can Eating Grilled Meat Raise Your Blood Pressure?

Yes. And with that word, another tasty treat bites the dust. Which, apparently, we would all be better off doing. Sugar, fat, flour, and...

Can You Have Too Much Dietary Fiber?

As you may already know, dietary fiber is an important part of any healthy diet. That's why we eat fruits, veggies, and legumes. But...

The Dos and Don’ts of the Bland Diet

The name promises bland, and it delivers. It's designed to give some part of your digestive process a rest. Which part depends on what...

How to Measure a Healthy Weight

Are you actually overweight? What's a healthy weight? How do you even tell? Whether you're working with a dietitian, a personal trainer or you're...

The 5 Essential Vitamins You Need During Pregnancy

Of course, there are more than five essential pregnancy vitamins. In fact, you want to have the entire crew on board for this trip....

What Are the Dangers of Eating Too Fast?

According to a recent study of over 1,000 people, eating too fast correlates with an increased risk of metabolic syndrome. And metabolic syndrome is...

How to Be More Active (And Lose More Weight) While in...

You likely already know that the extended periods of time where you sit in the workplace and are inactive are linked to numerous health...

5 Excellent Reasons Why You Should Eat Cabbage More Often

You may love or hate it, but cabbage is very fond of you. It's versatile and nutrient rich. And many prefer its taste compared...

3 Ways Beer Can Make You Gain Belly Fat

So let's say we have a "bowlful of jelly" belly. And let's say we drink beer now and then. Are they connected? Well there...

5 Healthy Foods That Should Be a Part of Your Vegan...

If you're a vegan, we all owe you a big "thank you" for your service to animal welfare and the environment. And we'd like...

5 Carb Loading Mistakes You Should Avoid

Carb loading is a common method athletes use to boost their performance. The idea is to increase your carb intake for a couple of...

The 5 Best Alcohol-Free Alternatives to Cooking Wine

Uh-oh, out of wine! Or maybe you don't drink wine, but the recipe calls for it. What you need are alcohol-free alternatives to wine. Wine...

4 Pro Tips to Stop Stress Eating Once and for All

Emotional eating is a common phenomenon and it’s rarely a problem for most people. Sometimes you just can’t stop thinking about chips and soda,...

What Is the Difference Between Physical and Emotional Hunger?

Most people consider hunger a strictly physical process – you get a feeling of emptiness in your belly and you interpret it as a...

5 Great Reasons to Add Wheatgrass to Your Diet

Wheatgrass’ increasing popularity has led many to wonder about why so many want to add it to their diets. It’s found in natural health...

This Is Why You Sweat After Eating

We’ve all been there – you’re eating a hot, spicy dish and suddenly you notice drops of sweat running down your forehead. This is...

The 5 Best Natural Supplements to Reduce Your Food Cravings

The best way to eat less and lose weight is to not feel hungry in the first place. However, many pills and supplements that...

3 Health Benefits of Adding Cloves to Your Meals

Cloves are brown-colored, dried flower buds from the eponymous tree. Native to Southeast Asia, people around the world use cloves as a spice in...

Why Do We Tend to Overeat in the Evening?

Are you unable to stop overeating in the evening no matter how hard you try not to do it? Do you make a quick...

The Pros and Cons of Low-Calorie Diets

Also known as “crash diets”, low-calorie diets are very popular among people who are looking to lose weight fast. Like almost every diet, it...

5 Possible Reasons Why Your Low-Carb Diet Isn’t Producing Results

Your low-carb diet isn’t working for you? There may be ways to deal with the problems you’re having, and we’ll show you some of...

5 Expert Tips to Reduce Hunger and Appetite

Lowering your calorie intake is the first step of any weight loss regimen. But this will inevitably lead to an increased sense of hunger,...

5 Energy-Depleting Foods You Should Avoid

Your energy levels will change several times throughout the day. As a rule, they should stabilize after you've eaten. But sometimes that's not the...

4 Potential Risks of Losing Weight Fast

Many popular diets promise to help you lose weight in just days or weeks. But it's important to know that these diets can have...

5 Foods That Can Trigger Heartburn

Are you one of the 60 million Americans that experience heartburn each month? If that's the case, some of the foods you eat may...

How to Keep Your Cholesterol in Check While on a Low-Carb...

Low-carb diets are usually very healthy and safe. Yet for some people, they can cause a spike in the levels of LDL, the so-called...

Should Your Blood Type Determine Your Diet?

The so-called blood type diet has been around for more than two decades. As its name suggests, it consists of eating foods based on...

5 Possible Reasons Why You’re Hungry All the Time

When you're hungry, it's your body's way of telling you it needs food to create more energy. After we've eaten, most of us can...

5 Expert Tips to Get Rid of Baby Weight

During pregnancy, women can gain up to 35 pounds of extra weight. After they give birth, some of it will stay intact in the...

5 Ways Mint Can Help Improve Your Health

Known for its fresh, cooling taste, mint has been a common ingredient in cocktails, ice teas, and dental care products. However, there is much...

3 Foods to Supercharge Your Gym Workout

When people are trying to lose weight, they often compartmentalize the different aspects of their weight loss journey. It's easy to think of diet,...

3 Foods to Help You Burn More Fat in the Gym

Who needs steroids when you have beets? Some foods that may dramatically (and naturally) enhance your performance in the gym. Not only are you...

How Eating Lemons Can Help You Maintain Your Weight

Rich in vitamin C, potassium, and fiber, lemons are considered by many as a power food that can boost our immune system and prevent...

Avoid These 5 Common Vegetarian Diet Mistakes

Starting a vegetarian diet could be a great idea to improve your overall health. However, just going on a vegetarian diet without any knowledge...

5 Ways to Cut Your Portion Sizes and Still Feel Full

When trying to lose weight, reducing your portion sizes seems like a logical first step. But, a problem that emerges for many people is...

5 Ways to Tell You’re Not Eating Enough

Malnutrition affects more than two billion people around the globe. About a quarter of them are not eating enough for a variety of reasons....

Lose Weight By Eating More Mindfully

How familiar does this sound: You grab a snack and sit down to watch your favorite television show, and before you know it, the...

How Much Protein Do We Exactly Need?

Protein is an important nutrient, but not many people know what it does. It’s responsible for the production of a lot of things in...

How Many Times Should You Eat in a Day?

Conventional wisdom dictates that you eat 3 meals a day: breakfast, lunch, and dinner. But, conflicting health advise challenges what you thought you knew....

Not All Calories Are the Same: 5 Things You Need to...

Think all calories are created equal? Your diet planning would be much simpler if that were the case. Unfortunately, they are not all the...

Fruit Juice or Soda: Which One Is Better?

So, you’ve modified your diet to reflect the healthy, new you. You did away with sodas and replaced them with fruit juice. Because juice...

5 Supplements Pregnant Women Should Avoid

Once you fall pregnant, you’re bombarded with all sorts of information. Eat this, don’t eat that. Do this exercise, don’t you do that activity....

3 Foods That Can Make Your Migraines Worse

If you’ve ever had a migraine before, you definitely know about it. The symptoms range from light sensitivity to nausea to total loss of...

The Pros and Cons of Eating While Standing Up

The best eating position has been debated for years. This argument is nothing new. To give you a well-rounded view of this, let’s break...

Steer Clear of These 4 Constipating Foods

Constipation is more common than you think. As many as 27% of adults experience it. The symptoms alone are terrible too. Think bloating and...

Elimination Diet: What It Is and Why You Should Try It

Have you noticed a sluggish, bloated feeling in your gut after eating certain foods? It’s likely you’ll remember the feeling, but you may not...

How to Lose Weight without Getting Loose Skin

If you want to lose weight and are afraid of the saggy skin effect, there are a few steps you can take to minimize...

Hypnosis for Weight Loss: Does It Really Work?

With the ever-looming threat of obesity, it’s not surprising that people will try just about anything to lose weight these days. When your weight...

Preventative Heart Health Measures: Good Fats and Bad Fats

To keep your heart in top health, it’s essential to learn the difference between good fats and bad fats. Some think it’s necessary to cut...

5 Key Rules of the Slow-Carb Diet

The Slow-Carb Diet is based on 5 easy to follow rules that are based on the principle of minimum effective dose (MED). Here are...

5 Ways to Tell You’re Not Getting Enough Protein

Protein has a reputation as the best friend of bodybuilders. It all has to do with bulking up, which conversely makes some people want...

Can Weight Loss Be Uneven?

Say the words ‘uneven weight loss’ and some crazy stuff springs to mind. Specifically, a lop-sided creature from a horror movie. It’s a little...

5 Foods You Should Eat While on a Ketogenic Diet

If you are on the Ketogenic Diet, you may be confused about what you can eat. It is a high-fat, low-carbohydrate diet. But, beyond...

The Pros and Cons of Peeling Your Fruits and Veggies

Did your mother teach you to peel your vegetables and fruits before eating them? Or, maybe you are concerned about possible pesticides on your...

5 Diet Tips for People with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

If you have chronic fatigue syndrome, you may be struggling to keep your symptoms under control. Your diet may help with that. Here are...

How to Eat Healthy on a Budget

A healthy diet is often associated with larger expenses. And, while French fries and burgers are quite affordable, chia seeds and avocado may seem...

The Physiological Benefits of Weight Control

Weight loss comes with some obvious physical changes – our blood pressure decreases, breathing becomes easier, and our joints are under less stress. However,...
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5 Zinc-Rich Foods to Boost Your Immune System

Zinc is one of the key minerals that help your immune system maintain its function. But because your body can't store it, you need...
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How to Go All In With CrossFit

A high-intensity workout, CrossFit pushes your body to its limits. You’ll work your core, legs, arms, and back using a combination of strength, aerobic...
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