
Are Weight-Loss Diet Pills Dangerous?

are weight-loss pills dangerous

Many over-the-counter pills claim to be efficient in promoting weight loss. We all want to get rid of excess body weight fast, so the temptation to try them is high. But will they really help you lose weight? More importantly, are weight-loss pills dangerous?

Do Weight-Loss Pills Work?

Diet pills are quick fixes, meaning that they aim to help you lose weight in a short amount of time. Now, the purpose of each diet is twofold. On the one hand, it’s about shedding the extra pounds. But at the same time, it’s also about changing your dietary habits to be able to maintain your weight. Because diet pills don’t do that, they may only have short-term effects.

A 2012 study found no proof that most weight-loss pills have significant impact on weight loss. Only some of them, like green tea and calcium supplements, can promote weight loss. But even those only work in people who lead healthy lifestyles.

Are Weight-Loss Pills Dangerous?

The same study warned about the many side effects of weight-loss pills. They are most common in metabolic supplements like caffeine, synephrine, and ephedra.

There are many other side effects of diet pills to consider. They range from headaches and chronic insomnia to high blood pressure and increased heart rate. While most of them are usually mild, some side effects can even be life-threatening.

FDA also warns that you should steer clear from all diet pills that promise a significant weight loss. According to them, anything more than 4-5 pounds is a clear warning sign. Yet, some weight-loss pills boast about helping you lose 10 pounds in a week. This, of course, is false advertising.

Final Word

The use of diet pills can result in a number of side effects that may threaten your health. Not only are weight-loss pills dangerous, but they won’t help you lose a significant amount of weight, either. As such, they are just not worth the risk.

If you want to lose weight, you should never go for a quick fix. Eat a healthy diet and take up exercise instead. Before making major changes to your diet, it’s best to consult with your doctor or a nutritionist, too.

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