Home Nutrition The 4 Best Superfoods for Weight Loss

The 4 Best Superfoods for Weight Loss

If you’re trying to lose weight, there’s no need to rely on diet pills and other medications. Instead, nature provides all the help you need to achieve your goal. Take a look at this list of the four best superfoods for weight loss.

The term “superfoods” denotes fruits and vegetables that are widely known for their many health benefits. So, not only will these foods help you lose weight more easily, but they’ll also help you stay healthy. Moreover, eating them after you’ve lost weight will ensure that those extra pounds don’t come back to haunt you.

1. Water

Very few people would dub water a superfood, but when you think of all the good things it does for your health, it doesn’t come as a surprise. First of all, we need water to live. It’s a calorie-free drink that satiates hunger and replenishes our energy supply. If water by itself isn’t that appealing to you, you can mix it up with tea or freshly squeezed citrus fruits.

2. Green Tea

Green tea contains catechins, the chemicals that help your body burn fat faster. As such, it is sure to help you burn calories and shed those extra few pounds. To get the most out of green tea, don’t add sugar to it. If you don’t like the taste, add a bit of lemon juice to sweeten it.

3. Beans

Beans are a great natural source of proteins and fibers. What’s more, they satiate your hunger and make you feel full for longer periods of time. They also have far fewer calories than most other foods, too, which puts them among the top superfoods for weight loss.

4. Green Salad

Green salad reduces your appetite, which is why many people eat it before they move on to the main course. Two cups of spinach with some cucumber and carrot have less than 70 calories, yet they will help you get rid of hunger with ease.


Keeping-It-Off Superfoods. URL link. Accessed 11th November 2017.